Friday, May 29, 2015

Working On The Sewer Line

     Hello loyal readers. It’s been awhile since I wrote to you and gave an update about what is happening in the city of Bedford. Some of you know and understand that the city and county governments are separate entities. In the past, there have been local elected officials say things like, “I can’t do this or that because that’s in the city” or “I can’t do this or that because that’s in the county.” The truth is it is all about working together and communicating with one another. Grant it, there are stark differences and there are instances where the city cannot do things outside the city limits. In contrast, all of the city limits of Bedford are inside the county and all it takes is a phone call or a face to face conversation to resolve issues that are important to all of us who live in the area.  Judge Jerry Powell and District #2 Magistrate Kenny Green have been super at working with me every time I speak to them.
     Since the last time I wrote, I was able to get an education on the sewer lines in the City. One of the lines was clogged just off Fairview Circle by the Methodist Church. The first option was to go into a force main through a manhole on Cutshaw Lane. However, the manhole was covered by an undetermined amount of layers of asphalt. According to the maps that show where the manhole is located, the manhole is on Cutshaw Lane. I called County Judge Jerry Powell about the possibility that the county paved over the manhole. Without hesitation, he said if the county paved over it, we will take care of it. Sounds great, right? But before digging up asphalt in the middle of the road, I called a company called Blood Hound, Inc to locate the manhole cover. They determined that the manhole cover was buried between 8”-10” deep and is actually located at the intersection of Hwy 421N and Cutshaw lane where it was covered years ago by a contractor for the State Hwy department paved. Surprisingly, this has become a contentious item. At first, the state workers were ready to cut away the pavement from the asphalt to uncover the manhole. The option I was given was do it today or not at all. I knew the city didn’t have manhole risers laying around so uncovering the manhole that day would’ve left a huge pothole in a high traffic area for an unknown period of time. My thoughts are that the residents of Bedford should not have to pay for a mistake that was made years ago by a contractor hired by the state. The argument I keep getting is that the state is not going to work on our sewer line, which is laughable because I never asked anyone to work on our sewer line. But it bears reporting, that had we been able to get into that manhole it would have saved the taxpayers of Bedford over $10,000 because the fire department could have hosed out the clog less than 50 yards away.
      On to other matters, the city of Bedford passed an amendment to the sewer ordinance at our May 19 regular session meeting. The new ordinance requires landlords and property owners to be responsible for any unpaid sewer bills at any given location. For example, if someone comes into city hall wanting to turn on sewer services at 302 Mary Street the clerk would research that address to determine if there unpaid balances at that address. The reason for this ordinance is based on large number of renters moving in and out of Bedford leaving unpaid balances, while the majority of the residents of Bedford pay their bill on time every time. The waste water system in Bedford is aging and there is constantly something breaking down costing the city thousands of dollars. Last year, the commission was forced to raise rates 30% and it put the city sewer customers in a tough spot. So, for me, it doesn’t seem unreasonable to make property owners (landlords) liable for unpaid sewer bills their tenants leave behind. Perhaps, the landlords should begin doing background and credit checks on people who want to rent their property.
     The Crumb Rubber mulch is in but is not in place yet. It is going to look great around the community center. The hillside next to the parking lot of the community center is covered with poison ivy. I have sprayed it with Round-up weed killer, Jim Hoskins sprayed it also, and it is still alive. We are going to try Crossbow next. If you know someone who isn’t allergic to it, send them to city hall because we have job for them.
     The City Commission agreed to terms of a contract with our Waste Water Superintendent at our May 19 meeting. Jim Hoskins has been working for the City over a year now and I am happy to say he will continue to work for the City. Jim has went above and beyond the scope of his previous contract with the City and I look forward to working with him going forward. On that note, the City purchased a new truck for Jim to carry tools and do City work. Of course, it’s not a brand new truck. If the City could afford a new truck we wouldn’t have to worry about raising sewer rates or making landlords pay the bills left behind from their tenants. The truck is a white 2005 Chevy with tool boxes and a crane on the back. This winter it will be equipped with a snow plow, but I am in no hurry for snow.

     Thank you for taking time to read my blog. I appreciate your concerns about the metropolis of Bedford. Until next time, God Bless You. 

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Wheels Of Progress Are Spinning

     Hello friends. It has been a couple of months since my last post. I regret not writing before now, but I have been finishing up on a serious health issue and I am happy to say I made it through it. One of these days I will tell you all about it. But for now, it is time to update you on what is going on inside the City of Bedford.

     Since my last post, the Bedford City Commission has met two times. The meetings last at least two hours each, but there is always a lot on the agenda. If any of you read the Trimble Banner you will have read that Bedford is working on its boundaries. I am sure you have heard me talk about the issue too. The boundaries are being taken care of but it is not an overnight fix.  If you have any questions on this please don’t hesitate to call me at Bedford City Hall (502) 255-3684. I will be happy to discuss it with anyone.

     Recently, I applied for the Crumb Rubber Mulch Grant with the Kentucky Division of Waste Management. I was fortunate to have Shannon Hoskins, an experienced grant writer, help me write the grant application. At the last minute, she gave up her Saturday morning and some of that afternoon to get the paper work in order. On behalf of the city, I am thankful for everything she has done and look forward to having her help going forward because I am happy to announce that we received the grant. The plan is to use the Crumb Rubber Mulch around the Morgan Community Center. I will need some help from volunteers around the community when it comes time to spread it out. Anyone interested in lending a hand should call me at City Hall and get on the list so when I come up with a tentative date to work I can notify everyone. I am shooting for Saturday May 23 which is a month out and I hope that gives everyone plenty of time to make room in their busy schedules.

     Today at the Commission meeting, I proposed establishing a Community Center Board. The Commission was reluctant to approve such a board, but they did. As Mayor, I will chair the board. There are several people interested in serving on the board and I am so thankful for the support. After all, the community center belongs to the people and this board will be a diverse group of city residents who are in touch with the community on a variety of levels. The members of the board have not been named yet, but look for that to be coming soon. The main idea behind forming this board is to bring the community center back to life. Sure it’s great to use for weddings, family gatherings, bridal showers, baby showers, etc. but the building has so much more potential.

     Also today at the Commission meeting, I am pleased to say we had three members of the community attend and participate in the meeting. They weren’t on the agenda, but as presiding officer I was eager to hear from them. I am hopeful that more people will attend the May meeting which will be held on Tuesday May 19 at 10am. I posted a petition in City Hall for local residents to sign if they were interested in having night meetings back in February; so far only nine people have signed it. If you’re reading this and want to see a night meeting, contact me about signing that petition.

     As I listed in the title of this post, the wheels of progress are spinning. Sometimes, I feel that they are spinning in place but I know that as each day passes there are things happening to make Bedford a better place to live. In 2011, the Commonwealth of Kentucky established a buildings code for local municipalities. At our meeting Tuesday, the Commission had the first reading on adopting the ordinance that will bring changes to the landscape of Bedford. One of the biggest complaints I hear the most is that Bedford is run by slum lords. By following the laws passed down from the Department of Housing in Frankfort Bedford is going to get cleaned up, God willing. This will not be easy. In fact, there are going to be some people who don’t like it, but it is for the best.

     This Saturday April 25 the city will be hosting a Spring Clean-up day.  There will be a dumpster parked at city hall for people to throw away things that the weekly trash collection person normally doesn’t pick up. There are groups of volunteers who will be walking around town on that day picking up trash so please drive with caution and watch out for these people. Anyone interested in helping out can show up at City Hall Saturday morning to get some gloves, a trash bag, and some direction to begin helping. Any and all help is greatly appreciated.

     I can’t think of anything else to write tonight. I am sure I am missing a lot and when I think of it I will make notes for my next blog entry. Thanks for stopping by to read my thoughts. But remember this, being part of a community is more than reading a blog and knowing what is going on. We live in this town together. We may not all like each other, but we choose to live here and we should work together to make this the best community in the country. It might seem a little too cliché, but quoting President John F. Kennedy is necessary once in a while….”Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country.”

God Bless You. Have a great day. 

Saturday, February 21, 2015

Snow, Ice, and Frigid Temperatures

     Hello faithful readers. It’s hard to believe the middle of February has come and gone. Soon it will be March. Like you, I can’t wait for the scent of freshly cut grass to fill the air as I watch kites flying around our town. But, we’re not there yet and the best we can do is enjoy every moment as if it’s our last.

     Everyone I know has experienced the loss of a loved one. It’s painful to say goodbye. The truth is none of us know if we will see another February, let alone another snowflake. It is not guaranteed, is it? So instead of complaining about the frigid temperatures or the accumulation of snow, look around and be thankful for what you have. Take this time to enjoy the company of your loved ones. They might not be here tomorrow. Take time to hug your child, your spouse, your sibling, or your pet. Be thankful they are with you today. Some of my favorite childhood memories of my late mother include days when we were snowed in when we lived in Somerset, PA. It would take all day for me to write about those great recollections.

     What about the ones whose heating units went out during this cold blast? I have personally communicated with people in our town who have been relying on electric and kerosene heaters to keep their living space above 55 degrees. I have invited families to my home, but they are too proud to accept my hospitality. Think about those who do not have a four-wheel drive and have been stuck inside for the last several days because they can’t get out of their driveways. And if you’re able to read this blog, you are able to do a search from your favorite search engine be it google, bing, or whatever floats your boat for images of what the people in the northeast are experiencing in the way of snowfall. Really people, what Bedford and Trimble County has is minimal compared to what they are getting up north. The argument about us not having the equipment to deal with snow and ice down here is invalid because of the differences in snow fall.  When you see a snow plow someone you know who drives a snow plow thank them instead of complaining to them. They are doing the best they can to clear the roads for your safety all while risking their lives.

     If you are shut-in, my phone number is (502)321-6288. You can call or text and texting is the best option. I don’t listen to voicemails because I think it’s a waste of time. My email is Email works great too. What I am saying is this, call, text, or email me and I will do what I can to help you if you can’t get out or if you know someone who is shut in and needs assistance.

     The city commission meets Monday, February 23, 2015 at 10am in the Morgan Community Center on Victory Ave in Bedford. In March, we will begin meeting on the third Tuesday of every month at 10am. I encourage everyone to attend. As far as having a voice at the meeting, it is best if you notify me, the city clerk, or any of the commissioners three business days before the meetings to be placed on the agenda. By law, that is the only way you will be afforded the opportunity to address the commission. As many of you know, I am an open-minded person and will listen to anyone about anything so if you miss the deadline, contact me (see paragraph 4) and I will see what I can do to help you. If nothing else, I will listen to you. 

      I realize many of you work during the hours of the commission meetings and cannot attend because you have to work. For years, the commission met at 7pm on the third Monday of the month and the only people who would show up is the press and on occasion a resident with a gripe. So, we, the commission agreed to change the meeting times to 10am. Believe it or not, the same amount of people show up. If you’re interested in the commission changing their meeting times to 7pm, stop by city hall and ask to sign the petition. If I get at least half the number of votes from residents inside the city limits from the most recent election, I will recommend the commission change the meeting times to the evening. In the city limits, there were less than a hundred votes cast in the general election of 2014. So I want at least 48 signatures to bring up the matter and then it will require a majority of the commission to agree to change the meeting times.

Thank you for taking the time to read my blog. If you are a praying type of person, keep those working on our roads and streets in your prayers. Keep me in your prayers. I am still battling a very serious condition but I see light at the end of the tunnel. May the spirit of God bless and protect you and your family. 

Saturday, February 7, 2015

Our town

     Our town. What does that mean to you? The words ‘our town’ can be used to describe a given group of businesses, schools, churches, fraternities, civic groups, philanthropic groups and homes in which a group of people work, go to school, attend worship services, congregate, and live? Even if a person grows up and moves away, they always think back to their hometown. What kinds of thoughts go through your mind when you say the words ‘my town?’ Do you think about your neighbors, school friends, co-workers, business associates, or family members?

     On the topic of our town, I am working on defining the lines of our town’s boundaries. As many of you know or some of you may have heard me talk about an ordinance from May 5, 1955. Along with that ordinance, there is a map that illustrates the corporate boundaries for the city of Bedford.  Unfortunately, the ordinance was never properly filed with the secretary of state’s office. This means it is not binding because it does not have their stamp of approval. Further on that, the secretary of state’s land office informed me that the last map presented to them was when the department of transportation gave them one in 1980.

     Getting our lines in order is something I would like to discuss at a ‘Town Hall’ type of meeting when I finish collecting all the information about the subject.  When I have all of my ducks in a row, I will invite everyone in town to come voice their opinions for or against. Although, I can’t see how anyone would oppose restoring an important part of Bedford’s history. After all, the men and women who drew out the city limits of Bedford were our forefathers. I’m not pulling any of this out of thin air and I will gladly share all of my information with everyone at the ‘town hall’ meeting.

     According to a person at the Trimble County PVA, there is no record to be found showing the last time the city limits of Bedford were surveyed. Therefore, I am in talks with a local surveyor who has copies of the ordinance that gives a property description. He is on the agenda to give us a ballpark figure of what it is going to cost the city to be surveyed at the February meeting.  I see it as an investment. And although I talk about forging into the future with our eyes wide open, I think we must take what our forefathers have given us and do something with it instead of sitting back bickering over who’s doing what for how much and how often, I want to set down some guidelines for what ‘our town’ will look like 20 years from now. Ask anyone over 40 years old, 20 years flies by fast. So because of that, we must join together and get this right for our children and grandchildren. Our forefathers set us pretty good, but we didn’t plan on time going by so fast. If you’re a younger person reading this blog, this is for your future. Getting these boundaries lined up is for you and your children.

       One of the reasons people might not want to be inside city limits is the small tax burden associated with being in the city limits. In some of the old minutes from ‘Town Board’ meetings,  property tax was as much as fifty cents per hundred dollar’s worth of assessed value. I haven’t found where it dropped to sixteen cents per hundred dollars, but that is what it is right now and I don’t see any reason to raise them at this time. It is true that people in the city limits pay county and city taxes. It doesn’t seem right because in the past, there have been conflicts between city and county and who pays for what on what streets. It need not be this way and I am hopeful that as time goes by the relationships between city and county elected officials will be better suited for the best interest of the people, collectively. Please do not mistake my intentions; I am not trying to put down any previous elected officials. I am just stating the way it has been for years. For better or worse. The city currently offers waste water services and curb side trash collection. 

     Many people in the city are already aware of a municipal insurance premium tax. The city has been collecting taxes that way since the 1980s. The county began collected money that way a couple of years ago because they realized the revenue they could gain from it. The city of Bedford charges 11% and the county initially charged 5%, but recently raised it to 10% and the city of Milton charges 8%.

     Here is where boundaries matter even more, how does the insurance company know if you’re in the city limits or in the county? If they go by the map the secretary of state has on file which is the exact map the county PVA has on file, the city of Bedford is very small. I know firsthand that insurance companies don’t know because I have sent letters and seen letters faxed to insurance companies saying ‘so and so’ is not in city limits or vice versa. But that decision was based on oral tradition that has been passed down from city clerk to city clerk and commissioner to commissioner for decades.

     I am hopeful to get these boundaries resolved. You, the reader of this blog, deserve better from your local government. If you live in a sketchy boundary area, you know that if you ask the city to do something they pass the buck and say that’s the county and vice versa.  Don’t you agree? Have you ever been in that situation? I have. But that was before I was mayor. Now that I am mayor, and not just a commissioner, things are changing for the better. We all have vested interest in the community.

     What about voting? Another great reason to get the boundaries lined out. The city of Bedford has commissioners who have been serving over 20 years. It’s not because they were power hungry and liked controlling everything, well hopefully not. It boils down to nobody else inside the small city limits wants to do the job. How do you think I got elected? I am a traumatic brain injury survivor claiming that I can see the future and firmly believe if “WE THE PEOPLE” don’t get off our butts and set ‘our town’ on a better course, someone 20-30 miles away will step in and tell us how to live. That’s not what I want and I can’t imagine you want that either. I know nearly everyone around here. There are some highly educated and intelligent people raising teenagers and younger children in our town.  Surely, we can put our heads together and do what’s best for our homes and our way of life.

     That’s all I have to say tonight. Thank you and God bless you for reading this blog. I hope to hear from you soon, whether I agree with you or not.  I’m open minded enough to hear your opinion. Maybe I will sell you on my idea or perhaps you will sell my on yours. But as everyone knows opinions are just opinions and everyone is certainly entitled to his or her own. Right? I hope you agree. 

Thursday, January 29, 2015

The Hammer or The Nail

     Hello folks. It’s been a couple of weeks since I last wrote to you. It’s been an exciting couple of weeks for me, as I have been to a three day conference for newly elected officials. Kentucky League of Cities puts on the “City Officials Academy”  to help educate newly elected and/or reelected city officials on what powers they have or rather the powers they don’t have.

     I will spare you the details of the information I learned because it is mind numbingly boring, and that’s if you’re eager to learn about it. In all fairness, KLC did a pretty good job of keeping it interesting enough that I didn’t fall asleep once in class. If you know me, you’ll know I am easily distracted and get bored pretty quick. However, I have a town to consider now so I fueled up with coffee and stayed wide-eyed and bushy tailed. Much of the information I learned can be used to help Bedford. I have to caution those who want Bedford to be a better place because that means there will be changes. Changes are not easy and sometimes painful. God knows, I understand that better than most.

     There are many critics of elected officials. I am one of them. Just ask me sometime. But the cement that binds every single elected official is the reality that we are accountable to the people we represent. We have to be great sales people if we ever want to pass any kind of legislation. Just look at President Obama, can you imagine him on a used car lot? I believe he could sell a car without an engine and on cinder blocks as a high speed sports car. So what does that do for the people? Some would buy that car without regard of the cost and work tirelessly to make it run. And even when they were faced with undeniable defeat, they would insist that the car just needs more gas. Others might see things at face value and call the sales person out and refuse to buy the car. While a few will stand there scratching their chins wondering if the car really can be the sports car they are being led to believe.  All in all, being a politician is similar to being a sales person.

     So here I am, I have dreams. I have visions of what I would like to see in the little town of Bedford. I am sure every elected official can say the same about their town, county, district, state, or country. The trick is coming up with a way to communicate the vision in such a way that people will want to join in the cause. I tell people, I am focused on the future.  I have to admit that almost every idea that I come up with is not new, but the people resisted change. If you think about it you will know the most often used phrase, “That’s not how we do it here.”

     “We’ve never done that before.”

      “The last person who tried that didn’t get re-elected.”

      And my personal favorite, “You’re the first (or only) person to complain.”

     When you hear those words, you know you are scratching the surface of something much bigger.  A smart person would drop the issue. I have been accused of many things, but smart or intelligent is most certainly not one of them.

     Going to the KLC conference did enlighten me on the reality that my ideas are not unique. They are essential to every community, big or small. It all comes down to planning. What do we plan? If we don’t plan, that is a plan to fail. Everyone is familiar with the old adage that if you choose not to decide you still have made a choice. That may be words from a RUSH song, yeah I think it is.

     Anyway, not planning is the same as agreeing not to plan. The hard part about planning is there is a lot of effort put into ideas about the unknown. Sure we can look at sophisticated demographic studies and trends relating to growth potential. But I like to think about it all differently. Let’s say you saw a glimpse into the future that you were going to die of a heart attack in ten years. Would you do a self-assessment and start trying to make healthier life choices and try to change that outcome? I most certainly would do everything I can to change it. Speaking of Bedford and Trimble County, look over the last ten years and count how many loved ones you have lost. Who has come along to fill their shoes? No one. Who is living in their house? AH, now that is a deep question isn’t it? Because some families choose to sell their loved ones house and property, some choose to rent it out. Either way, change has taken place.

     I will wrap it up with this question, do you want to be the hammer or the nail? I want to hear from you. Our opinions may differ and that is what is great about our country. We can disagree and it is healthy to have debates. As long as we can agree that personal attacks be left out of the conversation. We don’t have to like one another, but if you live in Bedford-we should be talking about what this area will be like when we’re gone. Who is gonna move into our houses? Where will our children live when they grow up?

      Thank you for reading my blog today. God Bless You! And as for the sickness I described in my last blog post, I am getting better but I have a long way to go. I have gain 25 pounds since Christmas and I don’t have the motivation or energy to do anything about it. So, please, keep those prayers coming.

Friday, January 9, 2015

Clean Up Bedford

     Hello readers. As of January 1, I am now the Mayor of Bedford, KY.  I apologize for being late with my post this week, but I have been busy and extremely sick. I am not feeling any better. But, I am hopeful that, like every other obstacle in my life, God will have mercy on me and pull me through it swiftly.

     About the busy part, as you can imagine I have been spending a lot of time at city hall looking through books and reading old documents. It, truly, is fascinating to me. One of the most interesting things I learned is that my great-great-great-great-great-great (You get the point) grandfather was Chairman of the town board of trustees in Bedford over a hundred years ago.  Some of these documents date back over a 160 years and they need to be preserved but in all honesty the city does not have money for that at this time. God willing, I will find a way to get the money to preserve those aged materials in the future. For now, I have present day things to work on but I will keep you posted on that.

     Whether I am at city hall or anywhere else in town, I keep hearing that Bedford is a slum town. I abhor the word “slum” but that is the most used description I hear. As a commissioner, I was part of a group that would send letters to people telling them to clean up their property. In 1997, the city had sent a numerous letters to a certain landlord that hid behind his bible. At a commission meeting, I boldly said I will go see him. I’ve been reading my bible since I was six years old and quite confident that I understand the King James Version pretty good. When I first arrived at the landlord’s home, he was very nice and pretty much what I expected. But after I started showing him pictures of his properties, that I had taken, his pulpit demeanor came out and he started preaching hellfire and brimstone to me. Had I not been a well-read bible person, he would have most certainly convinced me I was going to HELL for questioning his business dealings with renters in town. I had the last word that day by reminding him that Jesus told people to obey the laws of the land. To the average citizen, his rental properties didn’t look a whole lot better but his renters were grateful because he started making much needed steps to repair and clean-up his properties. He didn’t go above and beyond what the law said, but he did work on it. It’s worthy to note, his health went downhill not long after that and he died. Coincidence? You decide.

     The city has an ordinance that lays out what is called a nuisance. It’s very detailed and in common language so that even a primary school student can understand it. However, I think it needs to be tweeked just a bit. It’s going to take some time to complete it.

     More on the ordinance, I must first remind everyone that our country was founded on the principles of protecting citizens from the government. After all, our nation’s founders knew first-hand what it was like to be oppressed by an all-powerful government and they wanted America to be different and unique in the sense that it would be set up on the premise that the people rule the government not the other way around. But as far as getting people to pick up trash on their property, I think they would agree with me that having a law in place is a good idea.

     Over the last few days, I have been to a bunch of different places in town talking to renters about cleaning up around their dwellings. What I found most often brought me to tears. At one place, the person explained to me that they were paying $500-$625 a month. When I informed the person that I would talk to their landlord, I was asked not to do that because the landlord would evict them and their family had nowhere else to go right now. My icy heart melted, because I see the catch-22 that is in front of me.

     I have said this before, but it needs restating from time to time to remind people that the city of Bedford is not run by one person. It is a Commission form of government. That means virtually everything is done with consent of the majority. On the issue of cleaning up Bedford, I have confidence that I will be able to present my plan to the commission and we, as a group, can work on it and start effecting change by spring. I believe the landlord is the responsible party and law enforcement should start with them. In case there are some landlords reading my blog, go look at your properties and ask yourself this question, “Would I live there?” If the truth were to come out, the answer would not only be “No” but it would be a “Hell NO!” My feeling is that if a person has the financial means to own rental properties, he or she can afford to keep up with those rental properties. But that’s just my opinion. If necessary, the court will decide and we can go from there.

     That is all I have for today. I appreciate your time to read my lovely blog. God willing, I will be feeling better next week and will have something happier to say. If you pray, say extra prayers for me.

Thursday, December 18, 2014

I say Merry Christmas because I'm a Christian

     It has been a few weeks since I posted anything on here. I have a lot of catching up to do. Hello everyone and welcome back. If you’re a first time visitor, I am glad you are taking time to read this blog. Let’s get right to it.

     Before I get too far into this blog post, I want to wish everyone a very merry Christmas. I say Christmas because I am a Christian, which means I believe that Jesus Christ is the one and only son of God. I am not offended by anyone who doesn’t say merry Christmas and it’s not my intentions to offend anyone by saying merry Christmas. 

     Over the last few weeks, there has been a lot going on behind the scenes in the little town of Bedford. In a public meeting, the Bedford City Commission discussed a report that the city truck was not safe to drive anymore because the frame was rusted beyond repair. The truck will eventually be sold, I am hopeful to get that discussion started in January. Other than the rusted frame, the truck is in great shape.

     As for snow removal and tending the city streets during snow events, the contract goes back to Hoskins. After all, he was the only one with equipment to show an interest in the job. I have heard from several people in the community telling me I should call this person or that person about the job and although I greatly appreciate that information I stand firm on the idea that we advertised to hire someone for this position back in the fall. It’s my opinion, and that doesn’t mean it’s right, but I think if someone is looking for work, he or she would call us (the city), not vice versa. And just to support that opinion, what if I called Bill and asked him if he wanted to clean the streets in Bedford this winter. While I was calling Bill, the other commissioners were calling people they knew might have an interest in the gig. Each person who received a phone call might have the notion that they were going to plow snow in Bedford this winter and start making plans with how that money could be used. How would those people feel when they learn that other people were called too and only one person is going to get the contract? I suspect the other guys might not want to talk to anyone about doing work for the city anymore and rightly so.  

     After reaching a decision to contract with Hoskins, three commissioners took it upon themselves to look into trading the sewer plant’s tractor for a new one to use for snow removal. Those commissioners meet nearly every day at the community center. It is a direct violation of Kentucky’s Open Meetings Laws, but this is Bedford so they don’t care. In their defense, two of the three are over 80 years old. It’s like three little boys sitting around talking about a fishing trip. The only difference is, they are discussing business that involves spending other people’s tax dollars and it’s illegal. What makes the meetings illegal is when the make decisions during those meetings. Those guys can say they didn’t make any decisions in their meeting, but the proof lies with a commissioner traveling to a tractor dealership trying to make a deal on a tractor trade. I suppose, he could say he never did that, but he accepted a check for his travel expenses. What’s more on that, two or three years ago the commission agreed that commissioners would not be reimbursed travel mileage. I am not going to name anyone today, but beginning in January, I will name these individuals if they continue to resist adhering to the open meetings laws that are described in the Kentucky Revised Statutes which be found here: Kentucky Open Meetings Laws

    I took my oath of office this past Monday following the commission meeting. It was the last meeting for Mayor Russell Clifton. Russell has been mayor since 1994, after being beating Mayor Jimmy Black in the November 1993 general election.  Russell has put his entire heart and soul into the town of Bedford and deserves recognition for always doing his best to care for the whole community over the years. I have learned many things from Russell. In everything he did, he gave careful consideration to every single person in this town. His actions were never selfish, though they could’ve been. His love and affection for Bedford and the people living here can be found throughout the pages of monthly minutes on record at city hall. So it’s not just my opinion, it’s fact and the same can be said about Jimmy Black. It is such an honor for me to follow in their footsteps; it would take me hours to express how humbling it is for me. There will be some differences in the way I do things, and after all there is a 20 year age gap between me and Russell, just like there was between Russell and Jimmy. But one thing remains, we are servants of the people and doing what’s right is paramount. When I first became a commissioner in 1992, Mayor Black repeated an old phrase, “You’re never gonna please all of the people all of the time.” I have big shoes to fill and I pray that God will continue to lead me to do what is best for the people in Bedford. 

     Moving on, the regular city commission meeting for January falls on Martin Luther King Day. City meetings must be established by ordinance and our ordinance states that if our regular scheduled meeting falls on a legal holiday, we must meet the Monday following. Therefore, my first regular meeting will be held on January 26, 2015. I am very excited and grateful to be in this position. I will be attending Kentucky League of Cities three day conference for newly elected officials January 21-23. There will be an enormous amount of information to consume during those three days, and I hope to take a lot of notes. 

    My next blog post will be closer to the end of January unless something comes up that I feel compelled to write about. I appreciate each one of you for taking time to read this post and welcome any and all feedback. So until then, Merry Christmas and May the New Year bring you great health and prosperity.